Engagement for a Collective Future: A Reflection from our CEO

By on October 28, 2022

On October 25th, 2022, I was proud to represent The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington as we helped sponsor and host President of Israel Isaac Herzog’s visit to Washington, DC as part of a gathering of diverse, national Jewish leaders on his two-day visit to the United States. Speaking with the President and this incredible group was a unique honor.

We sat together amidst significant change and growing divides between communities and leaders in both countries. Around us loomed the ongoing war in Ukraine; an increase in financial instability around the globe; a growing refugee crisis; a rise in authoritarian governments and political factions; and a spike in antisemitism on campuses and antisemitic rhetoric from political and cultural leaders. And of course, both the U.S. and Israel face significant elections reflecting substantial divisions and tensions.

Read Gil’s full reflection on shalomdc.org